Acelepryn™ Insect Control
Once per season grub preventer, safe around Bees.
All Purpose Fertilizer
For flowers, trees, shrubs, and vegetable gardens.
Barricade® Pre-Emergent
Branded Prodiamine with fertilizer in 0.2, 0.37, and 0.58 Actives.
Bifenthrin Insect Control
Bifenthrin 0.069 Insecticide.
Crabgrass Control All-Season® Fertilizer
Fertilizer that builds thick, green lawns. Stops many ugly weed grasses before they grow.
Cuatro Pre-Emergent
Preemergent and Postemergent combination of 2,4-D, Dicamba, Dithiopyr, and Quinclorac with fertilizer for prevention of weedy grasses and kill broadleaf weeds.
Dimension® Pre-Emergent
Branded Dimension with fertilizer in 0.107, 0.13, 0.172 Actives.
About Us | Howard Johnson's Enterprises
Howard Johnson's services the professional and retail turf industry with our quality products nationwide.
All Purpose Fertilizer Products | HJE
Extensive line of All-Purpose Fertilizers are developed for different regional needs. For flowers, trees, shrubs, and vegetable gardens.
All Season Fertilizer Products | HJE
Basic lawn and garden fertilizers made with quality raw materials.
Contact Us | Howard Johnson's Enterprises
Please take a moment to complete the form or contact us directly at 1-417-637-5978.
Golf Course Turf Ornamental Products | HJE
General Turf Fertilizers. Specialty.
Granular Fungicide Products | HJE
150 SGN Bio Dac Granules.